Hello! How are you doing? There were so much changes in me recently. That is, I decided to look better again. I won't go for strict clean eating or pursue training. However, what I was doing recently was "I was just excusing". I always said, "Nah I can't train since my knee is not well. Nah, I don't wanna eat better because it might cause me bulimia again".
There were so much "can't" for me. I thought I don't need to exposed to videos&photos if Gym In Japan's ambassador show up in videos&photos lol However, he has his job as well and he can't come for filming all the time! The users of Gym In Japan are fit conscious&fitness enthusiast. What would happen if I don't care about fitness. Not good! Still my knee is not good so I started doing some workout at home. I always thought workout is the thing I do at gym. But working out at home is so good! Because I don't need to motivate myself so hard to hit a gym lol You know, you might not wanna go outside because of rain or gym is far. I bought protein powder as well which is Matcha taste!
I wouldn't push myself too hard. Because I know that I tend to pursue perfectionism. That means I end up doing too much and I tear apart lol For me, my ideal body shape is Sophia Thiel. https://www.instagram.com/pumping.sophia.thiel/ (her instagram)
I like fitness model because they keep moderate body fat rate all over the year (this is my personal opinion). I once really wanted to be a fitness model and wanted to be exposed to medias! Now I own my media so "past me" would envy me. That means now I have a chance to show off! lol What I can do is start working out & eating better gradually and get to look better!! I'm satisfied with me right now but I wanna look better to be a role model for the user of my website. Top business people manage their body shape because they have chance to be exposed to medias and they really care about their health to perform well in business.
See you tomorrow!
Gym In Japan: https://gyminjapan.net