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My professor

Writer's picture: HarukaHaruka

Hello there! Today I want to talk about my professor at my uni. After he's graduated from Waseda university majoring engineering, he started working for TOSHIBA. He went to the U.S. to study at MIT to get his masters degree as a part of his company's programme.

This is what he's done.

Toshiba Corporation  1978-1988 

Arthur D. Little (Japan), Inc.  Director  1988-1998 

Bain & Company Japan, Inc.  Partner  1999-2002 

Accenture Japan Ltd  Managing Director  2002-2007 

Tokyo University of Science  Professor of Practice  2005-2008 

Siemens PLM Software Japan  President 

2007-2010 SAP Japan Co., Ltd. 

Senior Vice President  2010-2013 SoftwareONE Japan K.K.  Managing Director 

2014-2015 Hosei University  Professor  2016-Present

I'm so lucky to have him. It's because not many professors have real business experience at Japanese universities. What he teaches me in his classes are great, but also, he helped me a lot since I started my current university. Because of him, I can feel the meaning of studying at this university. I love him so much!!!!! One time, I tried to quit my current university because I felt stupid about going to school. He told me "Haruka, listen. I understand how you feel. No matter how shit your grade is it's ok unless you graduate. You should carry on your study. Because you need a degree if you want to work abroad/ get MBA". He always worried me when I was not feeling well in class.

He's so good to me partly because I'm the only Japanese in my course and his youngest daughter name is Haruka as well. I miss him so much since I'm in spring holiday break. Thanks to him, I'm still studying at this university and also Gym In Japan has released. He always told me "Haruka, this is really a good opportunity. You are getting paid and you are learning. This is so great so you should carry it on!". He also gave me ideas for my project, Gym In Japan. I can't appreciate him anymore.

Look forward to see him soon xxx


Gym In Japan:

Prof. Misawa



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