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Writer's pictureHaruka

Me and Japan

Updated: Mar 1, 2018

Morning! It's been almost two years since I came back to Japan. When I was a high school student I always wanted to be a biologist or professor. I was a geek lol

I joined a biology club when I was third grade at junior high school (9th grade) and I started studying microorganissm called "tardigrada". I was so into it. However, because tardigrada was such not popular research material, the paper I could get information from was limited. Therefore, I needed to read paper written in English.

When I became 1st grade at high school (10th grade), I wanted to go to University of Tokyo (top university in Japan). It was because one of the leading tardigrada's researcher was teaching at this university. I met him at an academic conference and he invited me for his laboratory. Also, when I was 11th grade at high school, I joined science club at Tsukuba University (One of the best public university in Japan). It was all good. (I am sorry for messing up education system. In Japan we call secondary school as high school.)

However, when I became 11th grade, my beloved grandmother passed away. I was so shocked and I stopped studying. Although I was a top student at my school but I ended up no university to go.

I will continue this story tomorrow! By for now!


Me middle with my best friends they become nurses this spring

Gym In Japan Website:



Mar 02, 2018

Oh really I thought not having enough resources were the only situation in Japan. It's a worldwide issue


Sabine Hessler
Sabine Hessler
Mar 02, 2018

Good choice! I would no one recommend to study science. It is one of the most unreliable jobs ever. Your working hours are horrendous, you only have fixed term contracts, your salary compared to your workload is ridiculous, and you have to move every 2-3 years because the university doesn't have any money. If people want to have a life and a family: study something else! Hopefully your professor at this time told you as well.

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