Hello! I had a meeting this morning so I'm writing blog now! I'm really into this music video "Far East Movement, Justin Bieber - Live My Life ft. Justin Bieber". I always follow what I want to do.
I was born in Tochigi prefecture, about 100kn north from Tokyo. I started learning piano when I was 3 and I entered a contest when I started elementary school. My mother wanted me to be a piano teacher. I joined Orchestra and played violin when I was 5th grade. To be honest with you, I was not good at violin! Also, I joined brass band club when I started junior high school clarinet. However, I didn't want to make music as my professional career.
When I became 9th grade, I got interested in one microorganism called "Tardigrada". Tiny tiny microorganism. I was into studying this and wanted to be a researcher. I joined a science group at Tsukuba University when I was 11th grade. One postgraduate student and professor at this university always supported me and they let me use the facility at this university. Then I noticed that my professor didn't have time to do his research. He was either attending a meeting/smoking/ in front of computer. I was young and I thought this is the professor. So I stopped dreaming about being a researcher/professor. Since then, I lost all the motivation to study and lost my purpose. One day, my mum suggested me to go have a look at one vocational school and I found out this school has "Studying abroad" course. Also, I found out that I can learn about horses at foreign university. I started riding horses when I was 8th grade at local horse riding club. I was always good at English so I thought studying horses at university in the U.S. would be the greatest idea.
After a long fight like a half year, my parents finally approved me.
So I went to England. When I started Equine study, I noticed I liked horses so much but didn't want to pursue it as my career and I noticed I liked business study. I didn't want to stay in Equine study course anymore so I moved to Sports and Exercise Performance. I couldn't change university and start business immediately because I was an international student. So I decided to study Sports for the remaining one year. I found out that if I want to study business at top school, I needed to do another 4 years that my parents couldn't afford. Going to mediocre school wasn't what I wanted. I quit my school and came back to Japan once. I applied to one uni in England, one in Vietnam and one in Japan. The uni in Japan was only accepting 10 students and I was kind of hopeless in my mind.
Luckily, I got accepted from my current university. After one year, I found out I'm good at business study/ business and this was what I really wanted to do/ what I should do. I see people around me saying "I don't like what I'm doing. But my parents...my...". I wouldn't tell them to change their situation because it's quite a courage. Every time I see those people, I feel thankful to my "past me" who made all those decisions. Because now I'm happy with what I'm doing!!
See you tomorrow!
Gym In Japan: https://gyminjapan.net