I am an editor, Haruka. I studied Sports and Exercise Performance in England for one year before I changed my degree to business.
I am extremely passionate about fitness. I started horse riding when I was 13 and this led me to study in England. Because I needed to build inner thigh, I started going to a gym. I gradually got into "fit life" and in the end, it went too much. I ended up having arthroscopic resection of the medial patellar plicae. I worked out too much because I went for overeating due to the past injury( I was also stressed with not going to gym). My knee still hurts and I go to osteopath and physiotherapy twice a week and I need to live with it.
Because I can't go to gym due to my bad body structure, I am happy that I can be in charge of this website at the company I am working for!! In this way, I can still get involved with fitness industry!! In my opinion, people who love working out can be categorised into three; don't go for traveling, continue one's fitness habit or stop going to gym throughly.
Gym addicted people tend to pursue perfectionism. Therefore, it is either "Do. Or do not. There is no try."
So, my mission is to deliver accurate information so that fitness conscious people can continue pursing their fitness life!
Leave a comment about your personal fitness experience. We will pick some of your stories and post here!